Rocking Magpie

““Intoxicating … you won’t want to miss a second.”
(Alan Magpie)

Full Review at Rocking Magpie

Blues Blast Magazine

“Nothing short of Herculean … the visual imagery is stunning.”
(Steve Gabe)

Full Review at Blues Blast Magazine (you’ll have to scroll down a little)

Elmore Magazine

„… music fans from all over the world should check out this great documentary.”
(Arnie Goodman)

Full Review at Elmore Magazine

Making A Scene Magazine

„Highly recommended … an inspiration.”
(Richard Ludmerer)

Full Review at Making A Scene Magazine

Living Blues Magazine

„Remarkable … reflects an artist who knew his calling from early on, yet had to wait for the world to catch up. ”
(Lee Zimmermann)

Full Review (PNG, 1,5 MB)

Jazz Weekly

„The Grandpa Moses of The Blues … A tale worth hearing. Inspiring. ”
(George W. Harris)

Full Review at Jazz Weekly

InSite Atlanta

„A beautiful tribute … compassionate, yet frank.”
(John Moore)

Full Review (PNG, 218 KB)

Radio Ö1

“Ein herzerwärmendes Portrait und eine Ode auf den Blues.”

Der ganze Ö1-Radiobeitrag ist hier zu hören:

Radio Ö1 – Schon gehört? – 24.5.2017

Director’s Notes

“One of the best music documentaries I’ve ever seen. Incredibly moving and beautifully put together.“
(Neil Fox)

Director’s Notes Top Ten Films List of 2017

American Blues Scene

(Brian Kerzner)

Full Review at American Blues Scene

Blues & Rhythm Magazine

“…beautifully shot, expertly edited and a real pleasure to watch.”
(Ray Templeton)

Full Review (PNG, 1,3 MB)

No Depression Magazine

“…authentic and unexpected.”

Full Review at No Depression Magazine

RnR Magazine

“Revealing … delightful, stylishly filmed documentary.”
(Trevor Hodgett)

Full Review (PNG, 0,5 MB)

Michael Doherty’s Music Log

“…excellent story, and this documentary does a great job of getting it across.”
(Michael Doherty)

Full Review at Michael Doherty’s Music Log

Musoscribe Magazine

“This film is essential viewing for all fans of authentic blues.”
(Bill Kopp)

Full Review at Musoscribe

Sherman Oaks Studio City News

“…shows how Welch takes on the experience of a lifetime.”
(Bill Bentley)

Full Review (PNG, 0,3 MB)

Bluesnews Magazin

“Empfehlenswerte Dokumentation … Die filmische Qualität ist exzellent.”
(Klaus Kilian)

Zur DVD-Besprechung (PNG, 1,3 MB)